Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bahar - procrastination - #4


     I have never been the one who finishes the projects on time or early. It doesn't mean that I did not try to change this behaviour. I took a notebook, set the alarmclock, limited myself from the things I love doing the best, but none of them has worked so far. In the end, I have stopped dealing with this problem. I am a last-second person to tell the truth.
    Besides the fact that the things that I have to do are usually boring or unpleasant, it seems that there are two people living inside my body and they are fighting with each other all the time. The evil one is always the winner at the end. My logical part is so patient that she is always trying to explain the positive parts and advantages, while my unreasonable part refuses it and does the opposite. But the problem  with me is that I cannot avoid the lazy me, and just follow what she says.
     It is so painful sometimes that even when I complete the things early by mistake! - because this happens only when it takes shorter than I expect - I try to keep myself busy with trivial things and wait until I am late. This means, I am not used to being on time. Therefore I am trying to be myself who always procrastinates.
     I am in the process of accepting myself as I am but then it seems to be irrespective of me. I hope in time I will become a punctual person and be proud of myself about this punctuality.   


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