Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Luis - 9 - Good Looks (Does It Matter)

Good Looks (Does It Matter?).

How do you like other people remember you? What is the first impression that you produce when the other people look at you?

The society impose fashions and  idols on us to follow. We don't have to follow the rules, but, Do you think the look is important?

I think yes, I don't want to sound superficial, but I'm sure that you prefer talking and living with people that look good. Besides, having good looks can help you to feel as part of the society and in many other ways.

In this society which is consumer society, the most important thing that you need to sell is yourself. If you can sell yourself well, the world is open for you.

First, having good looks can help you with self-esteem, when you look good, you feel powerful and with energy, also, you feel more happy, and when other people look at you, you project all those things.

Moreover, having good looks  can help you to have a good job, because, in the interview they can not only see your abilities, also, they can see a complete brand in you. When you are part of a company, you represent the company, So, if the you look goodl, the people think that the company is successful.

Moreover, for the men, the style is the most import  tool you can use to conquer  a woman's heart. When you have good looks, all the women look at you so, don't feel shy.  Let's go and make the transformation. Show the best part of you and dress to kill..

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