Tuesday, February 19, 2013

carmen- 2 - procrastrination

Stop waiting to be motivated, Start what you have to do now!

Do you remember the last time when you left doing something for the last minute ?...if the answer is yes, then you can remember that instead of doing what you were supposed to do, you did many other things, so that situation can describe what people call procrastination

procrastination is the act of replacing high-priority actions with tasks of lower priority and leave the main things for the last minute. For example, when you have to do an essay and you prefer to hang out with your friends instead of staying in your house trying to start it. That's something usual when we feel stress about starting something very important.

There are many reasons why people procrastinate. First, people usually think that they need to  feel relaxed to start a thing that demands lots of effort like an essay or homework. So they choose to do other things with less priority because then, they will feel motivated to do what they have to do. For instance, updating their status in Facebook,  continuing  the coffee breaks till lunchtime, watching TV. But what is a good limit for procrastination if any?  Maybe motivation  won't come and that's the problem with procrastination. 

Maybe you are feeling that procrastination is not bad at all, but the problem is that people who always procrastinate think that the important things can be postponed for the last minute.  you have to realized that they are IMPORTANT so that's why you have to do them  in time and with all your possible effort to obtain a very good result. Furthermore, it is not bad to procrastinate sometimes if you know that this  just wasted your time and won't give you motivation. So stop waiting for motivation , try to think that you have to start before you feel the motivation.

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