Thursday, February 14, 2013

CARMEN -1- all the world is a stage


Once upon a time there was a girl who met her true love and then they lived happily ever after . That's a good story but in the real life it doesn't happen like this. Teenagers and young adults think too much about their love situation, and all people want to find their other half of orange and some of them have already found their half ,but what about the people who have not found it yet? Imean we are not all able to be in love or in a relationship? or we just not in the stage of love and be loved?... well that's my case and maybe it is yours too .

The first time I felt in love was when I was 15 years old and I can remember it because it was the first time I felt that incredible emotion about something called LOVE but when I was in the relationship with that boy of my dreams, the things didn't go well enough , so then we broke up and of course I thought I would never find  love again!...but thenI realized that maybe that is not the true love, maybe there is something more incredible than that feeling I felt.

Until this moment, I have not fallen in love with someone but I have met a lot of boys that definitely  mean something special to me. On the other hand,  I have realized that I   have never felt that incredible strongest feeling that  people call love in those special guys I met. Maybe thousands of people are in the same stage as me, that means not be in the lover stage of life.I think maybe we are able to love someone but we are not in the correct moment yet.

 I know that I'm not in my 'lover stage of life' and that's so good too because that means that in this moment I'm in another stage that lets me know more about myself, because I can travel abroad, meet lots of people and cultures and make good experiences,  dream about my future, improve my skills as a student in my career and that makes me happy because maybe not all people have to pass the same stages in the same moments, maybe that's the magic of the life because everything  happens when you least expect it .

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