Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Who is not procrastinating???

Many people around us  procrastinate at different levels, and they don’t even realize it because they are looking at people who are in the same stage. They don't understand that procrastination could be an emotional problem if they don't control it. Almost all of us have this issue and we live it at different intensity levels.

Some people experiment many attitudes that can show their level of procrastination. even I guess this happens, because we find more interesting activities to do than others and we spend more time that we should. we leave some important things to do for some later time and stick tounimportant matters. also when we  make a decision, we spend a lot of time thinking about if it will be the best for us, but we don’t make a decision, because we don’t want to know the result. This is really easy for us, it’s a part of our behaviour that we can’t put away. we have this behaviour without being aware,  because we think that doing that is common, but that’s not true, everybody procrastinates, just with a little bit of difference. Can you find out if you are  procrastinating or not? Now you have another thing to think about, just don’t take a long time to think about this…

Only remember: “Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today”, if this sounds familiar to you, you can be sure that you also are procrastinating….

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