Thursday, February 7, 2013

Larissa - 5 - 2033

2033 - How do i imagine my life ?

I was just thinking with myself today how difficult  those questions are that they ask you in interviews. How do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years, 20's really hard to imagine myself in a time so much ahead.

Because, more than ever we concentrate on the present. CARPE DIEM! Enjoy the moment.
 But, if this question was asked I'd say that in the future I'd see myself married with two kids, maybe two boys, Jonah and Joshua. Being a very successful ESL teacher in my own school.

By that time I would have already had a degree in English and also a masters in communication and Iwould have a house here in Canada and one in Brazil. I would have learned Italian, Cantonese, German, Korean, Japanese. And traveled around the world by myself and with my family.

Well, so many things to see and to learn. It's hard to make plans for the next 20 years. Do you imagine how different the world would be from today?
Yeah, I can't imagine that either. But maybe I'll have my own flying car eh?
I just realized that I should be living now so the future can come faster!! Instead of wondering how my life would be, Let's focus on present. See you dear reader in 2033!

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