Thursday, February 7, 2013

denise- unique things of my country

Follow the Culture 

Is it possible to see a man on the street with a wheelbrow which has a big tray of rice&chicken in USA? In Turkey yes it is possible. How about a man with a suitcase full of fake perfume packs? Maybe in China you can, but I'm %100 sure that you can't see a pair of shoes which is Adisas or Noke branded. These are some small street businesses which uniquely belong to Turkey.

 We Turkish behave differently; the process usually starts seriously then we end up with full of love. Especially people who are in late 20's and 30's, like to talk about politics after a couple of drinks. We call this conversation as 'saving the World'. More alcohol make us more creative then we can solve almost every problems of our lovely country. When we become tipsy, we get sensitive. Suddenly we realise that how much we love our family, our co-workers and our friends. Then we start to hug the person that we were drinking with to show our love, it means we're ready to finish the night. If we have had so many drinks, correction, if we have so much love then we may want to hug with other people too. Nobody thinks that this person is weird because it's normal for us. In the same pub you can see different people who have the same acts at the same time.

Turkish people like to have guests. In small cities where there aren't a lot accommodation facilities, foreign people are welcome in local people houses. There were some interviews that I remember, about foreign authors and photographers who were guests in a local person's house, they were saying that these people were so pleased. It's because local people invite foreigners to their houses, it doesn't mean that these people can speak in English and they are rich. Usually it's opposite. In our tradition if somebody needs a place to stay we should treat this person as a 'God's guest'.

Turkish cuisine is one of the richest one in the World. You don't know that fact it's because we don't like advertising. We have some different eating habits. We love olives in breakfast, we put lentil ball on a leaf of lettuce, we spread butter with honey on a slice of a bread and some other things which are founded weird by foreigners.

Different cultures have made our World rich. Instead of envy the most popular one, we should save our own culture.It is the most valuable thing that a person may have.

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